Tickets from Euroteam - your own risk

Here is a description of how it works (or not actually), when you buy tickets from Euroteam. Note, you can get lucky and get your tickets, but this has happened frequently:

You order your tickets in good time, and pay your money to Euroteam.
Euroteam doesn't have the tickets but will try to source them for you.
If they get them cheaper than what you paid for them, will get your tickets. If prices are higher on the market, you have a problem! Euroteam will then not buy you any tickets.
Euroteam will continously push forward the time of delivery all the way to that you will get them outside jut before the event. You will get explanations that they are travelling to hotels delivering, and "you will get them soon". Then you are likely to get the message that they have failed to get you any tickets, in the last minute.
You have travelled to got to an event, have taken all the cost for this, and have no other chance of getting any tickets. The cost of travel hotel etc and pain of missing the event you wanted to see are yours to suck up.

If you are lucky, you will get your money back after a lot of processing and a lot of time. I have not heard of anybody getting any compenstion for all other cost. Money back for the tickets - at best.

Euroteam will in the worst case, for them, have "borrowed" your money for a few months before paying them back to you (or keeping them in some cases). The best case is that they find the tickets cheap and sell them to you with a profit.

But the risk is all yours, and Euroteam just fails to deliver if they are not making a profit on what they sold you.

tisdag 24 juli 2012

Euroteam operating several websites

According to the police, Euroteam is using several different websites to sell its (non existing) tickets. The same warning goes out for all of these sites, as you can read below.

Only buy Olympic tickets from

These are the sites that Euroteam is supposed to be using:

torsdag 12 juli 2012

UK Police Issues warning on Euroteam and their Olympic Tickets

According to this article, the Metropolitan Police is warning the public from buying Olympic tickets to the London Games, from Euroteam. There is a large risk that they will not receive any tickets.

You can see the Police's statement here.

There is also an article in Swedish here, in Swedish. And a newspaper in New Zealand has also picked up on the story of the Olympic Ticket scams, to warn it's readers.

Sorry to reiterate again, but beware of Euroteam and their ticketing scams

lördag 7 juli 2012

Euroteam Olympic Tickets London 2012 - Avoid!

The London Olympic Games 2012 is closing in. Euroteam i selling tickets to the Olympic events.

Watch out however, there are already reports of scams on these tickets. See here, e.g.

If you chech out the London Olympics Ticket checker, here, you will see that Euroteam are not authorized to sell any tickets to any olympic events. You are therefore likely to go to London and not being able to see any of the games.

Beware of buying Olympic Tickets from Euroteam!

Fake Olympic Tickets from Euroteam